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This is Spinal Tap, Criterion Edition (CD-ROMs)
Two disks with Dolby Surround sound,
for Macintosh and Windows, by Voyager, ISBN 1559406305 (Mac);
1559406216 (Windows/Mac)
If heavy metal power is the
curd, then Tap is the whey, and Voyager provides the churn. The
main disc of the Criterion CD-ROM set includes the movie and
a Spinal Taplet, which allows you to run DiBergi's film in a
small window on your screen while you work on other things. It
also includes running commentary from David, Nigel, Derek, DiBergi
and his crew. The director provides a cautionary note early:
He doesn't sound happy that his documentary is being dissected,
fearing that its subtleties will fall limp under the hot lights.
But what headbanger can resist a CD-ROM that cranks the volume
to 11, which is one more than any other CD on the market? The
disc also provides the option of viewing favorite scenes by choosing
memorable dialogue or gigs. The bonus CD includes 10 scenes from
the cutting room floor (versus the 32 on the laserdisc), a 16mm
short DiBergi used to pitch his concept to Hollywood, assorted
documents with notes scribbled in the margins, and an odd trailer
about a dangerous but merry Scandinavian giant cheese festival.
The Danes rolling the 100-pound loafs look suspiciously like
members of Tap, leaving this reviewer with the feeling that it
was DiBergi's idea of a joke.
 There's also a nifty find function, which Voyager
describes this way: "The Find command in the Spinal Tap
CD allows you to search for any of the dialogue from the movie.
In addition, you can search for words and phrases that are not
actually spokensuch as 'pap' which is written down, and
'we love you' which is mouthedor for objects, such as shower
For more info, read an interview with the editorial coordinator and producer
of the Criterion release. The CD-ROM is out of print, but sometimes
used copies surface at sites such as Amazon or